King's Quest V Shrine
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If you're new to the series, this will introduce you to who's who.

- The NES Monster

Graham The king is a dedicated leader who won't stop at anything to keep peace in order. He has a long history of going through extremes to protect his kingdom. While out one day enjoying his land, the king finds his castle and family missing upon his return. Looks like Graham's about to add another checkpoint on his list of extremes.
Cedric Cedric is Crispin's pet owl and King Graham's advisor on his journey. Cedric looks out for Graham, but not without looking after himself first. Cedric's stubborn and loner behavior keeps Graham company throughout his journey where he can provide it, but deep down Cedric's an alright guy. He just takes some getting used to.
Mordack Mordack is the evil Wizard with a grudge against King Graham. Cedric witnessed Mordack take Graham's castle and family, but what has Graham done to make Mordack angry enough to do that? Graham doesn't know, but his journey will have the answers.
Crispin Crispin is an old helpful wizard with lots of magic spells and tricks up his sleeve, and while his memory may be a bit rusty sometimes, he always gets the job done eventually. Crispin has a bitter sweet personality that may seem strict at first, but is really quite hospitable. Crispin's bird Cedric serves as a scout to search the kingdom for trouble, and it looks like there's plenty to go around today.
There are many other characters who serve significant roles in telling the tale, be sure to speak with everyone you meet who looks like they might be of service. But be careful, not everyone is as nice as you'd like, be sure to save your game before walking into trouble.

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